Showing posts with label granite. Show all posts
Showing posts with label granite. Show all posts

Tuesday, 7 February 2023

Alien City under Kailāsanātha Temple ?

The Kailāsanātha temple (Cave 16) is one of the 32 cave temples and monasteries known collectively as the Ellora Caves. Its construction is generally attributed to the Rashtrakuta king Krishna I (r. 756-773 CE). The temple architecture shows traces of Pallava and Chalukya styles.

Mysteries that surround the Monolith..

The Kailash Temple is a standalone, multi-storeyed temple complex, made to look like Mount Kailash - the puranic home of Lord Shiva.

The Kailāsanātha Temple is the largest rock-cut ancient Hindu temple in the world. A megalith carved out of one single rock, it is considered one of the most remarkable cave temples on the planet because of its sheer size, architecture and sculptural treatment. 

The Kailāśa Temple is notable for its vertical excavation—carvers started at the top of the original rock and excavated downward. It is the only structure in the world to be built that way. 

The rock temple was cut in 'U' shape about 50 metres in the back, and tonnes of rock was removed to give shape to it. The scientists had calculated that it would have taken more than a hundred years to finish the temple construction. However, in reality it took only 18 years to complete it. Interestingly, modern age engineers find it impossible to finish the same temple using the modern technology in 18 years!

An estimated 2 million cubic feet of rock was cut from the mountain, but was never found anywhere. Where did all that stone go?

Mughal ruler Aurangzeb had made a strong attempt to vandalise the Kailash Temple, but he was unable to get much success in his plans. All he could do was a minor damage here and there, but not to the main structure.

In her book, "The Secret Doctrine"; Helena Balavatsky claimed that many advanced civilizations existed Millions of Years Ago. Their remnants can still be found beneath the secret passages and chambers of the Indian cave temples. And even in statues that adorn the walls of the Kailāshnāth !